“A gentleman is one who puts more into the world than he takes out.”
George Bernard Shaw (1856 - 1950)

Contact and Imprint

pde-consult, Dr. Bernward Rüpprich, is a business entity according to and defined by German Law.
Corresponding laws: § 18, clause 1 of EStG; and article 1, clause 2 of TMG.

Content, articles and recommendations are executed to the best of our knowledge.

Disclaimer: Despite our best effort we can’t accept any liability for context of our linked sources, quotes and pages referred to.

Responsible in regard to content and according to Media Law §6, MDStV: Dr. Bernward Rüpprich.

Dr. Bernward Rüpprich
Siedlerplatz 23
82256 Fürstenfeldbruck

Mobile Germany: (0049) - 176/2618309

Mobile UAE: (00971) - 50/5716708

Mobile Oman: (00968) - 93/827323

EMail: bruepprich@pde-consult.com

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